
Many artists dream about painting in Italy. Now, as retiring baby-boomers are increasingly taking up “brush and pallet knife,” more than ever, painting in Italy is the “thing.” Every day, a new “Artist’s” tour of Italy crops up in travel sections of the newspaper and on the Internet. But there still remains a majority of artists who prefer to “go it alone.” They are independent in their artistic styles, and prefer to be independent regarding their travels in Italy . This blog intends to target these free spirited artists who still need guidance to the best places to paint, especially those idyllic gems that are little known and less traveled. Certainly, independent travelers who are not artists will also benefit from this blog.

With a few exceptions, this blog is not a guide to restaurants, lodging, rental cars, or shopping, (except for art supplies.)

Sprinkled among the posts are: my paintings, and a few Italian proverbs and poems written by notable Italian authors for whom I work as a translator.

Please visit my website to view my original art:


Giclee prints of my paintings, ranging from greeting size to poster size, can be purchased at:


Saturday, May 7, 2011


I get excited each time I begin to translate a new poem by Luciano Somma. In honor of Mother’s Day I’d like to present three of Luciano’s poems in we feel the sentimental spirit of one of Italy’s foremost poets. His poem “IMMAGINI/IMAGES” can be found in his dual language poetry book: “L’ALBA DI DOMANI / TOMORROW’S SUNRISE.” It gave me great pleasure to write the English translations in this book as well as to paint the cover art for the book and CD.
You can view more of Luciano Somma’s poetry at:
Mi eccita ogni volta che inizio a tradurre una poema scritta da Luciano Somma. In onore delle festa della mamma vi presento tre delle sue poesie nella quale sentiamo lo spirito sentimentale d’un poeta molto noto in Italia. La sua poema “IMMAGINI” si può leggere anche nel suo libro L’Alba di Domani, nella quale mi ha fatto un grand piacere scrivere le traduzioni.
Si può trovare Luciano Somma a:

Come sei bella mammina
nel tuo sorriso c'è il sole
vorrei trovare parole
per dirti quanto ti amo!
Come sei dolce la sera
quando carezzi il mio viso
io sfioro sai il Paradiso
e mi addormento felice.
Quanto sei cara al risveglio
quando mi baci la fronte
si apre un nuovo orizzonte
davanti agli occhi col giorno.
Grazie di esistere mamma
restami sempre vicino
guidami lungo il cammino
tu la mia luce sei vita.
Luciano Somma

How beautiful you are Mamma
In your smile there is the sun
I would like to find words
To tell you how much I love you!
How gentle you are in the evening
When you caress my face
I glimpse heaven
And I sleep content.
How dear you are upon awakening
When you kiss my forehead
It opens a new horizon
In front of my eyes with daybreak.
Thank you for existing Mamma
Always stay near me
Guide me along the way
You my light, my life.
(Traduzione) Pamela Allegretto

Mi sei apparsa vestita di sole
con addosso il tuo nudo integrale
un ricordo fantasma d'estate
che ritona superbo e io sto male.
Mi riporta lontano nel tempo
con la bocca attaccata a quel seno
che succhiavo ingoiando il mio latte
mi vegliava uno sguardo sereno.
Era amore l'amore di madre
proteggeva il suo cucciolo ed io
ero là coi miei occhi di bimbo
che stringevo quel mondo era mio.
Sulla sabbia infuocata d'agosto
non mi brucia soltanto la pelle
ma memorie oggi cenere al vento
foglie morte frammenti di stelle
che comunque tra ortensie e le calle
il pensiero riporta alla mente
quanti brividi caldi d'estate
le mie lacrime piante per niente.
Muore il giorno compare il tramonto
eri solo una statua di cera
sei confusa tra i grani di sabbia
Dio in un lampo già è scesa la sera.
Luciano Somma

You appeared to me dressed in sunlight
on you bared completely
a ghostly memory of summer
that returns proud and I am pained.
It takes me back in time
with mouth attached to that bosom
I suckled swallowing my milk
while a serene gaze watched over me
it was love a mother’s love
it protected her cub and I
was there with my infant’s eyes
I held tightly the world that was mine.
On the sand inflamed by August
not only my skin burns
but today’s memories ashes to the wind
dead leaves fragments of stars
however among hydrangea and bell flowers
the memory returns to mind
how many warm shivers of sunrise
my tears cried for naught.
The day dies to achieve sunset
you were only a statue in wax
confused among grains of sand
God in a flash let evening fall.
(Translation) Pamela Allegretto

Dei tuoi desideri repressi
Navigava il tuo credo di madre
Per istinto felina e protettiva.
“ Donna partorirai con gran dolore “
e lo sapevi quando , per vocazione ,
sentivi dentro al tuo ventre
ad ogni parto
i palpiti e gli spasmi
e tu stringevi i denti
senza un lamento piena d’emozione .
Poi ad uno ad uno , col passar degli anni ,
ti lasciarono sola per andare
in una terra dove il pane è duro
a fare i vu’ cumprà o gli accattoni
ma tu non lo sapevi .
Nell’ultimo sospiro li chiamasti
come un appello antico , una preghiera ,
e in quel momento
non tutti li vedesti al capezzale .
Ora madre senza confini , senza più desideri
tu certamente ascolti
echi dei vu’ cumprà , di quei tuoi figli ,
nel vento , nell’azzurro , nella pace
dei tuoi incomunicabili silenzi…
Luciano Somma

In the ocean
Of your repressed desires
You navigated you mother’s creed
For feline instinct and caring
“Woman you will bear with great sorrow”
And you knew when, for vocation,
You felt inside your womb
To every part
The beats and the spasms
And you grit your teeth
Without a lament full of emotion.
Then, one by one, with the passing of years,
They leave you alone to go
To a land where the bread is hard
To be immigrant street vendors or beggars
But you didn’t know.
In the last breath you beckoned them
Like an ancient appeal, a prayer,
And in that moment
You did see them all at your bedside.
Now mother without bounds, without more desires
You surely hear
Echoes of the immigrant street vendors, of these your children,
In the wind, in the heavens, in the peace
Of your incommunicable silences...
(Translation) Pamela Allegretto

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