
Many artists dream about painting in Italy. Now, as retiring baby-boomers are increasingly taking up “brush and pallet knife,” more than ever, painting in Italy is the “thing.” Every day, a new “Artist’s” tour of Italy crops up in travel sections of the newspaper and on the Internet. But there still remains a majority of artists who prefer to “go it alone.” They are independent in their artistic styles, and prefer to be independent regarding their travels in Italy . This blog intends to target these free spirited artists who still need guidance to the best places to paint, especially those idyllic gems that are little known and less traveled. Certainly, independent travelers who are not artists will also benefit from this blog.

With a few exceptions, this blog is not a guide to restaurants, lodging, rental cars, or shopping, (except for art supplies.)

Sprinkled among the posts are: my paintings, and a few Italian proverbs and poems written by notable Italian authors for whom I work as a translator.

Please visit my website to view my original art:


Giclee prints of my paintings, ranging from greeting size to poster size, can be purchased at:


Saturday, September 1, 2012


SEPTEMBER FIRST by Luciano Somma

On this last day of August and the eve of autumn, I felt it appropriate
 to share the poem: SEPTEMBER FIRST written by
 Luciano Somma.  As in all of Luciano’s poetry, we feel
 the sentimental spirit of one of Italy’s foremost poets. You can find
Luciano Somma at:

Quality giclee prints of the above painting: Fall in New England  
can be purchased at: 

In quest’ultimo giorno d’agosto e la vigilia d’autunno,
ho sentito che era adatto offrire la poema
 scritto di Luciano Somma.  Come tutte delle sue poesie,
 sentiamo lo spirito sentimentale d’un poeta molto noto
in Italia. Si può trovare Luciano Somma a:

Si puo` comprare dell stampe di giclee del quadro in alto: 
 Fall in New England a: 

L’ultimo sogno d’Agosto                     
Si sveglia col primo Settembre,                  
questa sera è un incanto!                       
Il cielo è amaranto, uno spiffero di vento           
dolce come la carezza d’un bene                                                        
amaro come il fiele del pianto                          
mi porta una ciurma di pensieri                       
Che affollano la mente 
e mettono in croce questo cuore.              
Vorrei che piovesse e non piove…                                                    
Vorrei tante nuvole intorno                                                                                                                                    
ma la luna è d’argento                                    .
Vorrei che un sogno tornasse                      
ma il sogno non torna.  
Questo sogno è partito
sulle onde                    
dell’ultima sera d’Agosto                     
un grappolo di stelle     
lassù nel cielo amaranto
in questa sera incantata
del primo Settembre.      
Luciano Somma

The last dream of August
awakens with the first of September,
this evening is enchantment!
The sky bleeds red and purple, a light breeze
soft like a lover’s caress                         
bitter like malicious words
brings me a crew of thoughts
that crowd my mind
and crucify this heart.
I wish it were raining and not rain…             
I’d like a cloud-filled sky                                                                                                      
yet view a silver moon.
I wish the dream was ending
But the dream doesn’t end.
This dream has departed
on the waves
of the final August evening
leaving me
a cluster of stars
far-off in the bleeding sky
in this enchanted evening
of September first.
Pamela Allegretto Franz (translation)