
Many artists dream about painting in Italy. Now, as retiring baby-boomers are increasingly taking up “brush and pallet knife,” more than ever, painting in Italy is the “thing.” Every day, a new “Artist’s” tour of Italy crops up in travel sections of the newspaper and on the Internet. But there still remains a majority of artists who prefer to “go it alone.” They are independent in their artistic styles, and prefer to be independent regarding their travels in Italy . This blog intends to target these free spirited artists who still need guidance to the best places to paint, especially those idyllic gems that are little known and less traveled. Certainly, independent travelers who are not artists will also benefit from this blog.

With a few exceptions, this blog is not a guide to restaurants, lodging, rental cars, or shopping, (except for art supplies.)

Sprinkled among the posts are: my paintings, and a few Italian proverbs and poems written by notable Italian authors for whom I work as a translator.

Please visit my website to view my original art:


Giclee prints of my paintings, ranging from greeting size to poster size, can be purchased at:


Thursday, April 23, 2009


Connecticut is a plein air artist’s paradise. In addition to the vibrant hues that dominate the fall landscape, an explosion of pink, yellow, violet, and rose proclaim spring.
Last May, I attended a plein air class taught by Elizabeth Sennett. The painting above is my attempt at painting Elizabeth’s spring garden.
Although the ability to identify most flowers by their proper name eludes me, and my lack of floristic knowledge is often times manifested when for example, I paint rose leaves on a daisy, still, I love to paint flowers and will continue to do so, be they authentic reproductions or flowers that reside only in my mind’s eye.
You can find this acrylic on canvas painting on my art website:

Lo stato di Connecticut è un paradiso per gli artisti di plein air. Oltre ai colori vivace dell’autunno, un esplosione di rosso, giallo, violetto, e rosa dichiarono la primavera.
Il maggio scorso, ho dipinto il quadro sopra durante una classe di plein air con la maestra Elizabeth Sennett.
Benchè mi elude l’abilità identificare i fiori coi nomi giusti, e si vede la mia mancanza della conoscenza floreale quando dipingo una margherita con le foglie d’una rosa, tuttavia, mi piace dipingere i fiori e li dipingerò ancora, se sono veri oppure fiori che vivono solamente nella mente.
Il quadro sopra, dipinto con l’acrilico su tela, si può trovare sul mio website:

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